Dazzling, vibrant contemporary show featured new glass sculptural works of renowned Tucson artists Jason Marstall, Steve Hagan & Mark Leputa.
Jason Marstall: Jason Marstall is a glass artist and craftsman who works with blown forms, classic Venetian techniques, and most recently, solid figurative sculpture. He started working with hot glass in 2003 and has since been making art and craft while refining his skills and developing his style. Jason received his Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art and a minor in Psychology from the University of Arizona in 2008. In 2018, Jason was an artist-in-residence at Salem State University in Massachusetts, where he developed his hot sculpted series using clear solid glass to focus on his interest in figurative forms, texture, and gesture. He has worked as a production glassblower for Tom Philabaum and is currently the lead instructor and gaffer at Sonoran Glass School.
Steve Hagan: Steve Hagan is a glass artist, foodie, and proponent of pure beauty. His work combines a love of function with modern form and design, while creating a mix of both vessels and citrus inspired sculpture. Hagan holds a Bachelor Degree in Fine Art from Tyler School of Art at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA and a Masters Degree in Fine Arts from University of Illinois, Carbondale. Over the past 20+ years he has worked in university, private and public access glass studios as an artist, fabricator, designer, and educator. Recognized nationally and internationally for his exquisite murrini patterns, Hagan’s work is truly unlike any other. He relocated from Portland, OR to Tucson, AZ to continue his artistic endeavors.
Mark Leputa: Mark Leputa is an internationally recognized and collected artist known for his expertly blown & carved one-of-a-kind glass sculptures. Leputa began working with glass in 2004 during a backpacking trip to New Zealand. The short trip turned into a three-year apprenticeship where Leputa not only studied glassblowing, but also glass cutting, called coldworking. Upon returning to the United States, Mark worked at Orbix Hot Glass, assisting owner and mentor Cal Breed from 2007 – 2020. Leputa also attended the renowned Pilchuck Glass School in Stanwood, Washington – where as fate would have it, he met his future wife, artist Melanie Long. Leputa has been featured in many solo exhibitions across the United States and Europe, and now calls Tucson home, while continuing to exhibit his glass art across the world.